
AHS Family and Consumer Science teacher, Robin DeLozier, and our FCCLA chapter were recently recognized in the Oklahoma FCCLA Connection Magazine.

Northeast Progam Specialist commended "Robin DeLozier for her dedication to FCS students and FCCLA members throughout this pandemic which has proposed many changes within the FCS classroom and student organization. She has remained steadfast in pursuing students to join the FCCLA organization and has found ways to keep them engaged. "

The Oklahoma FCCLA Connection magazine features some of the activities that chapters have been able to participate in while following safety protocol. Adair FCCLA is featured on page 8 of the magazine.

Click Here to Read the Article Once at the link, please click on the red button "Read", then scroll down to page 8.

We appreciate the time, effort, and care that Mrs. Delozier has bestowed on the FCS program and FCCLA members.