Adair Middle School

Dale Wicks - Principal -

Anissa Rogers - MS/HS Counselor -

The Warrior Code, I am respectful, I am responsible, I am safe, I am prepared. We are here to learn: therefore, I will do nothing to keep the teacher from teaching, and anyone, myself included, from learning. I will cooperate with all school people. I will respect myself, others and the environment. By acting in this way I am capable, connecting, and contributing.


Please Visit Our District Enrollment Page

The following items are needed in order to enroll a student:

  • State Certified Birth Certificate

  • Complete and up to date immunizations record

  • Social Security Card

  • Proof of Residency

  • CDIB CARD, if applicable.

MS School Supplies
Students will receive a list of supplies from teachers, during the first few days of school.
Come the first day prepared for taking notes, by bringing a notebook and a pen or pencil.